
Posts Tagged ‘acorn squash’

Squash Line-up

September 7, 2010 Leave a comment
Winter Squash

Winter Squash

It’s that time of year again, time to wonder just what we’ve grown. I can identify the first two from the left, as Baby Blue Hubbard, and Acorn Squash. I’m not sure what the third one is, but the forth is Waltham Butternut, and the Fifth is Spaghetti Squash. So, I’ve got about half of their names, but they are all Winter Squash, which should keep well into the winter, if stored properly. On a humorous note, I’ve found my sprinkler which was buried in a sea of green for so long.

Pile of Squash

Pile of Squash

Since the plants have started to die, we decided to pile up the squash so that it could be more easily managed. There are two piles shown, one of which will become food for my pig: Babe. These squashes have small bite marks, which I’m told are the remnants of curious chipmunks.  The others I’ve loaded into the trunk of my car and transported to my Mother’s house, as she has more room for storing this motley mix. I had nearly a trunk load of squash, and was quite proud of the bounty.