Home > Chickens, Corn, Cucumbers, Horses > The Late Garden is Doing Quite Well.

The Late Garden is Doing Quite Well.

Chickens and Corn

Chickens and Corn

The late garden has really started growing now that rain has returned. Above the corn is just now clearing knee-high, and I still think it will grow to fruition. You can see some of the free range chickens pecking around. They haven’t yet discovered the cucumbers, so they aren’t yet destructive. I’ve even watched them rip up weeds on occasion ! I thought it was quite odd, but they seemed to differentiate the corn from the pig weed. Perhaps it’s natural selection, as past gardeners retaliated against the destructive chickens….



The cucumbers are setting small pinky sized cucks, and there are quite a few plants here. The chickens will have to be rounded up soon, as they will certainly decimate the garden after their first taste of a cucumber.



The sunflowers have grown very well lately. This garden is a very dry one on the surface. Now that the plants are starting to cover the black dirt, the sun will suck less water from the soil, and this should cause the plants to grow even faster. 

Chickens, a Horse and Corn

Chickens, a Horse and Corn

Some shots are just meant to be, and jump right out at the camera. Here we see chickens, cucumbers, corn and a horse. The chickens didn’t like me watching them, almost as if they knew this garden was off limits to them.

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